Thursday, December 10, 2015

Growth Mindset: Week 15

Applying the growth mindset theories has many opportunities for application in life. The biggest and perhaps the most important aspect is to apply these challenges to work. A job takes up the largest part of a persons life and is essentially our purpose in life. Practicing growth mindset at work could help keep your job interesting so that it doesn't get as boring as fast. It could also make you work more efficiently, opening doors for promotion and advances.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Reading: Week 15

My favorite readings were the native american stories and also the european stories. I liked the native american stories because they are more about lessons that are learned in life and where things come from. I like the European stories because they more familiar to me. The most effective reading strategy for me was to read in the evenings so I could relax and enjoy the stories. I think the reading, writing and commenting was great for the class. Reading a unit in one day would be too much but reading them in two days seemed reasonable. I enjoyed reading everyone else's stories and commenting on them. The only advice that I would give to future students would be to not wait until last minute.

Reflections: Week 15

I've opened my mind up to new and different studying reading and writing styles this semester. I plan to use the different writing styles in my other classes as I further my education while here at the university. I've enjoyed reading all of the stories and writing my own stories based off of the original stories. I have really enjoyed reading other people's stories and seeing how they used different styles to write them along with how the stories would teach lessons in different ways. I will take some of the things I've learned in this class and use them throughout life as different ways to keep learning new material.

Portfolio Guide

The Babbling City
A twist on the tower of Babel and the introduction of different languages based on the story from the Old Testament.

The BIG Lie
A story retold in the first person point of view about a lie a girl creates to explain the lost eggs her grandmother gives her.

Watch Over
This is a story about a bird attempting to save a man's life but failing to do so resulting in the man's death.

Snake Bite
The retelling of how the snake became mean and was given his fangs.

The Illusion
A modern version about how a man was tricked and gave away a large amount of money.

Hard Lessons
A man's hard learned lesson about life.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Grimm (Hunt)

"The Fisherman and His Wife"
A fisherman caught a flounder who turned out to be a prince. When he went home empty handed, the fisherman told his wife what happened. She told him to go back and wish for a cottage to live in. When he did the flounder gave them a cottage. The wife became unhappy and wished for a castle.

"The Fisherman and His Wife Cont."
When the wife got the castle she was still unhappy and wished to be king over the land. The fisherman went back and asked for it and she became king.

"The Fisherman and His Wife Cont.."
The wife was still unhappy and wished to be emperor. When she became emperor she was still unhappy and wished to be pope.

"The Fisherman and His Wife End"
The wife then wants to have power over the sun and moon. When the fisherman asks for this he puts the couple back in their old shack.

Aschenputtel's mother died and her father took another wife that had evil daughters. They treated her terrible and made her work long car days. The two daughters were invited to a ball and Aschenputtel wished to go also. The step mother gave her tasks to perform so that she could go to the ball.

"Aschenputtel Cont."
Aschenputtel went to the ball after the birds brought her a beautiful dress. She ran away at the end of the night without anyone following her. The prince searched for her but could not find her.

"Aschenputtel End"
When the prince kept one of her slippers he tried to find whose foot it fit. When he tried it on the two step sisters, one cut off a toe and the other sister cut off a part of her heal trying to get the shoe to fit. The prince saw the blood and refused to marry them. When Aschenputtel tried on the shoe it fit perfect and they married each other. The two sisters had their eyes plucked out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Storytelling Week 14: Hard Lessons

Once upon a time there were two people that lived a long time ago. These two men just so happened to be brothers. One of the men was very wealthy and had more money than his younger brother who was quite poor but content with his life. The older man had all this money but was pretty unhappy because he had to work most of his days away. The younger brother only worked a half-day so that he had plenty of time to spend with his family and enjoy his youth.

One day the younger brother sat down with the older brother for lunch and they discussed their lives and how each of them was doing. The older brother was telling the younger about all of the money he had acquired throughout life along with all of the things he owned. Even though the older brother had all these things the younger brother could tell he was unhappy. The younger brother questioned his happiness, which made the older brother extremely angry. He told his brother to go away because he knew nothing of money and was in no position to give him advice.

The younger brother took these words hard and left to live in another country. He lived there for many years and raised a happy family. He still didn't have much money but yet made enough to keep his family happy and give them what they needed to grow up strong. When the younger brother became old he had heard his brother had become very ill and he wished to say goodbye to his brother. This trip took him many weeks because there were no faster ways of traveling back then. The only way to travel was to walk with a donkey carrying your food and water.

When the younger brother arrived home he was met by a group of people that led him to his older brother's deathbed. He lay there and listened to his brother tell him how he became so successful and had all this money. Later he admitted that he should have listened to the younger brother and worked less so that he could enjoy his youth and be with his family. The older brother felt sorry for the harsh words he had said to his younger brother and decided to give him all of his wealth as long as he promised to take care of his family.

This story was a good lesson to be learned and from then on it was told to every generation of the family to remind them to never work so much that all of that money and time would be wasted with no memories of having a family that survived to old age.

Author's Note
This story was based off the story "The Fox and the Cat." The original story is about a fox bragging about how he had so many tricks to escape dogs to a cat that said he only had and needed one. The cat asked to fox to show him tricks to escape the dog. When the fox tried to show the cat the bag of tricks held down the fox so the dogs attacked him while the cat jumped into the tree to escape the dogs. The stories are similar, both had a characters who were killed because they had too much of something that weighed them down in life while the other had just enough to let them survive. The picture I chose is from the original story where the cat jumps in the tree while the fox gets attacked. I thought this picture would give the reader a good idea of what the original story was about. I chose to write the story with people as the main characters to give a more personal feel to the reader to learn a lesson on not what to do. 

"The Fox and the Cat" by the Grimm Brothers, from Grimm Brothers (Ashliman) (1998-2013) Web Source: UNtextbook

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reading Diary B for Week 14: Grimm (Ashliman)

"The Fox and the Cat"
A fox was talking to a cat and bragging about how many tricks it had to get away from dogs in his bag. When the fox went to show the cat, the bag weighed down the fox and the dogs caught him.

"The Little Lamb and the Little Fish"
An evil step mother turned a two siblings into a fish and a lamb. The cook found out what had happened and took them both to the wet nurse who turned them back into humans.

"Simeli Mountain"
Twelve robbers kept their wealth in a mountain. A man saw where they kept the treasure and took some for himself but left the most valuable jewels to himself. His brother became jealous and demanded to know where he was getting his wealth. When he told him he went to the cave and because locked inside after forgetting the password. The thieves caught him and cut off his head.

"Lazy Heinz"
Two lazy people were married and made many plans to put for as little energy in life as possible. When their plans were ruined they decided too be thankful for life and rest.

"The Duration of Life"
The story about how the first thirty years of a man's life are happy. The next 18 are the donkey's and are filled with hard work. The next twelve are the dog years where man is lazy and worthless. The final 10 are a monkey's where he is laughed at by kids.

"Death's Messenger"
A man saved Death from dying. Death agreed to warn the man before he would take him. The man became very sick but eventually became healthy. Death came to take the man but the man questioned Death's promise of a warning. The warning sign was sickness in the man.

"Eve's Unequal Children"
The Lord came to bless the children of Adam and Eve. The good looking ones became the top half of society and the ugly ones became the lower half.

"The Peasants and the Devil"
A peasant tricked the Devil twice. The first time he told the devil he could have whatever grew above the ground if the peasant could have everything under the ground. The peasant grew turnips. The second time the devil said he wanted everything below the ground. The peasant grew wheat and tricked the devil again.