Monday, November 30, 2015

Reading Diary A for Week 14: Grimm Tales (Ashliman)

"Cat and Mouse in Partnership"
A cat and a mouse were friends and made a deal to save up fat for the winter. When the pot was full the cat mad excuses to leave and he would go eat the fat. When the mouse discovered the pot was empty he accused the cat and the cat ate him.

"The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids"
An old goat left her kids home one day to go to the market. When she left she had warned them about the wolf. The wolf tried many tricks to get into the house. Finally the wolf gets into the house and eats all of the children except one. The one left tells the mother what happened and they find the wolf and cut his stomach open, letting all the kids out. The mother puts rocks in his stomach which causes him to drown.

"The Seven Ravens"
Seven boys were sent off to get water for their new-born sister. They dropped the bucket into the well and was too scared to got back home without the water. The father became angry and wished the all into ravens. When the sister was older she overheard someone talk about how she had brothers who were ravens. She went out to find them. Eventually she did and they all returned home together.

"Little Red Cap"
Story of Little Red Riding Hood. The story is the same except the wolf eats them both and the hunter finds the wolf in the grandmothers bed and cuts them out.

"The Singing Bone"
Two brothers set out to kill a boar that the king had requested be killed. The smaller younger brother found it first. The older brother killed the younger brother on the way back and gave the boar to the king. Later the king found out what had happened and had the older brother sewn into a sack and drown alive.

"The Elves"
A shoemaker was very poor and would have leather for two shoes and make them into shoes and sell them and buy leather for four shoes and sell them for eights. He did this until he became rich. The shoes were being made much faster than he could make them so he and his wife stayed up one night and saw two elves make them over night. They made clothes of the elves which freed them and the left.

"Old Sultan"
An old dog became so old that the owner decided to kill him because he was of no use. The wife talked him into letting the dog live one more day. The dog made a plan with the wolf to save his life. When his life was saved the dog would not return a favor and the wolf found a boar to punish the old dog. The dog took a three legged cat to fight the two and scared them off.

A king ordered a girl to weave stew into gold for him. A man showed up a did it for her. In return the man asked for her first born. When she had her first born she begged the man to let her keep it. The man told her that if she found his name she could keep it. She sent a messenger to find his name and when she did he tore himself apart.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Storytelling for Week 12: Discovery

Not too long ago there was a genius that was born by the name of Jim. Everyone knew this little kid was going to do great things and make great discoveries as soon as he was born because he was solving basic math equations as soon as he was one year old. He grew up being the top of his class and even graduated high school at fourteen. He even graduated from college three short years later. He had every company trying to hire him on to do research at their facilities to find a cure for diseases.

One day he actually accepted an offer from a biochemical company to look into a cure for different diseases. He worked many years to find an antibiotic that would work against bacterial infections. The company he worked for started to lose faith in him and started to pull money from his research facility because they could not see any progress. No matter the amount of begging he did to keep his funding he could not. Even though he showed scientific evidence that showed progress, the business people that ran the company did not understand the evidence and saw no progress for themselves.

Eventually he asked a member of the board of the company for a few more thousand dollars because he was so close. This member he asked favored the young scientist so he funded him the money. A month later he discovered a drug that would cure almost all bacteria. The drug would come to be known as penicillin. Just to make sure the drug was healthy for people in the long run he ran many test on animals for short and long term effects. He would not release the drug to the company because he did not know the long terms of its effects yet.

Sadly the testing took so long that another scientist that goes by the name of Alexander Fleming discovered the drug because he had worked with Jim until the company cut the funding and he had to leave. Alexander knew how to find and isolate the drug so he did it right after Jim. Alexander didn't care about the effects of the drug in the long run. He only saw the short term effects of healing any bacterial infection and published his finding immediately.

This lead to the finding being credited to Fleming. Later Jim realized that the long term effects of using penicillin would whatever bacteria being treated to create a mutation against the penicillin and to grow stronger and healthier than before. By the time Jim realized this he tried to tell everyone but no one would listen to him because he was looked at as the looser of the antibacterial race.

Author's Note
This story is based off the story "Clever Elsie". I chose to write this story because I am familiar with this field of study and the discovery of penicillin. I chose to write this story about the careful guy losing and the guy in it for the money winning because that is how society is today. There wasn't actually a guy named Jim but Alexander Fleming did discover penicillin. 

"Clever Elsie" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, from Brothers Grimm (1812). Web Source: UNtextbook

Reading Post B: Grimm (LibriVox)

"The Queen Bee"
Three brothers set out on a journey. The last they had to do was find one thousand pearls, a key to the king's daughter's chamber and choose which of the daughter ate honey. The youngest of the brother was the only one to pass all challenges and got to marry the prettiest princess and eventually became king.

"The Twelve Huntsman"
A man's father was the king and told him to marry a certain woman and take over his kingdom when he dies. The man already had a woman but did as he said and married the one he was told. The wife tried to trick the man into thinking she was a huntsman to be around him. He eventually found out and married her and left his other wife.

"Jorinda and Jorindel"
Jorinda and Jorindel walked through the forrest and came a castle that had a spell around it which made Jorindel freeze and made Jorinda turn into a bird. Jorindel was set free but was forced to leave. He later found a magic pearl that would release Jorinda and keep him from freezing. He went to the castle and freed her along with the other girls that were there.

"The Fox and the Horse"

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reading Diary A: Grimm (LibriVox)

"The Frog Prince"
The classic story that the modern tale is based off except the princess didn't kiss the frog but let him stay with her for three nights to break the spell.

The prince heard Rapunzel in the tower singing and called for her hair to fall like her mother did. When her mother found out she cut off her hair and sent her to a desert. When the prince called for the hair he climbed up and jumped down to escape the mother and poked his eyes out. He blindly wandered ad eventually found Rapunzel.

"The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean"
A straw, coal and a bean became friends and started off on a journey. When they got to a brook the straw laid across the brook so the other two could cross. The coal burned the straw and they both fell into the water and died. The bean laughed so hard it burst.

"The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage"
The bird, mouse and sausage lived together and had roles to play in their daily duties. The bird thought he was being overworked so they all switched jobs. The sausage ended up getting eaten, the mouse was boiled to death and the bird drowned.

"The Traveling Musicians"
A donkey, dog, cat, and rooster joined together to got o the city to sing. They came onto a house of robbers and scared them so bad they left. When a robber came back the cat scratched him, the dog bit him, the donkey kicked him and the rooster crowed. The man told the rest of the men of the horrors and left them for good.

"Clever Elsie"
Elsie marries Hans and they move away. When Elsie doesn't do as Hans says he puts a net with bells on her and everyone becomes too frightened by her and won't let her into their homes.

"Briar Rose"
The sleeping beauty story. The King and Queen's daughter fell asleep along with everyone in the palace for 100 years while many princes tried to get into the palace. It was guarded by thick thorn bushes that would trap them and kill them. On the 100th day a princess got into the palace and kissed "sleeping beauty" and they wed immediately.

Growth Mindset: Week 12

For this week's growth mindset challenge I decided to do the challenge of talking to a friend about growth mindset. I talked to my roommate about the subject at hand. He told me that he doesn't do much now with it but when he was a freshman here he used to try different study techniques. He told me that he has found the best way that he can study which is in a room alone with low music and no distractions. I talked to him about writing and reading challenges. He told me his major doesn't require him to read or write much so he doest have to try new things for that.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Storytelling for Week 12: The Illusion

There were once two different people that were very different from one another. One was a man that did not have much money for himself. His name is Phillip. The other man had all the money and wealth that he could want. His name is Robert. These two men's characters were also very different in many ways. The wealthier man was not very smart and was very greedy. The other man was more of like a modern-day Robin Hood and was very clever.

The two met on a nice sunny day because they were both in a coffee shop together. Phillip was listening in on Robert's conversation he was having over the phone with one of his clients. Robert was discussing how bad he wanted to find this special kind of gold that is supposedly lost forever. However, had heard it had recently resurfaced. While all of this conversation was taking place, Phillip's interest was increasing so he started listening closer.

Phillip started to think of ways to trick the man into giving him a large amount of money. Phillip finally figured it out and thought, "I think that I could make small bricks of concrete that are in the shape of gold bricks and coat them in gold paint." Then he restarted thinking his idea because he knew Robert would never fall for a simple plan like that and would have to be much more clever. He decided to get Robert drunk somehow.

Phillip approached Robert at his table and said, "I couldn't help but overhear you talking about how you had been looking for a rare type of gold and I think I may have just the one you are looking for." Before Robert could actually think about the mistake he was about to make, Phillip took him to a bar next door to celebrate and get a few drinks to block the judgment he might have of the false blocks. He thought for sure this would help him get away with the scheme he had planned.

After the two had been in the bar for quite some time, Robert went to the bank to gather the money in exchange for the bricks. Meanwhile Phillip hurried home to create these false bricks that he had lied about having. Robert was fast to show up to Phillip's house but somehow Phillip finished the bricks right before he had walked in.  A few of the bricks that were finished last were still drying while Robert walked through the door. Robert, picking up one of the bricks, not being able to tell they were false bricks, gave Phillip all of the money he had asked for and loaded them into his armored truck.

Before Robert could realize that the bricks were false, Phillip took the money to a local charity location and gave them the money to feed the homeless people and help with the funding for them to have jobs. This earned him a strong reputation around town because he had helped so many people that they didn't question where he got the money.

Author's Note:

This story is based off the story "The Priest Who Learned to be a Philosopher." The original story is about a philosopher that goes to a priest and asks for money. The priest loans the philosopher the money and the philosopher offers to show the priest a trick. The philosopher says that a priest like himself would not be interested in a little magic to get his attention. The priest becomes intrigued and offers money to the philosopher to show him how to do magic. The philosopher shows the priest two different tricks to make the priest believe he was doing actual magic. The priest begs the philosopher to show him how the magic is done. When the philosopher shows the priest the magic and receives the money he takes off before he could find out it was false. In my story I wanted to give a more modern feel for the story. I also wanted to have the thief actually end up doing something good with the money. I crossed the story form this weeks reading with the principle behind Robin Hood to give more of a familiar aspect to the story. The picture I chose is what a gold brick looks like. 


"The Priest Who Learned to be a Philosopher" by Eva March Tappan, from Canterbury Tales (1908). Web Source: UNtextbook

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Review: Week 12

Famous Last Words: Week 12

I actually really enjoyed the readings of this week. I was actually excited that when I got the the end of a few of the stories to see that there was three to four more parts that I could read. The stories were more like stories that I would actually hear of than stories where there is always a lesson to be learned. The only writing I've done so far is for my biochemical methods lab. I feel pretty proud of my lab report that I wrote. It took me a few hours to write. I tried a new style of writing and for each different section of my report I would change places that I wrote. For the opinionated parts of the report I would be in a more relaxed location and for the results and methods section I wrote them in the library. I've read a lot of interesting things in this class with all kids of different styles. One of my favorite stories I have red is one where a story was within a story. I can't remember whose it was or what it was exactly about but it was written very cleverly. My other classes are going pretty smooth. I've gotten behind in my labs the last couple of weeks because of studying for lecture class's midterms. There really aren't any connections with this class and my other classes at all. All of my other classes are science classes so the mindset needed to study and do the work for them is completely different. The only similarity that there is is that one of them requires us to read scientific reports and to write about them and answer a short quiz. I went to the football game last week against Iowa State. It wasn't a very exciting game and I didn't stay the whole time. Other than that I haven't done much. Duck season has officially started so I've just been getting my gun and decoys ready for a hunt in a few weeks.

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

I decided to add the weather widget to my blog because it's nice to always know the weather. Especially in Oklahoma. It changes way too much here that you have to know the weather from hour to hour. My favorite type of weather would have to be mid 60s with slight wind. The worst is winter storms they are just miserable.

Growth Mindset: Week 12

The mindset project I am reflecting on the challenges presented by different classes and how I go out them. I am in six hours of microbiology lecture classes where I just go to class and listen to what is said. The only grades in those classes are the exams. I usually start preparing for the exams three days before the exams where I just go over the material covered in lectures. I am also in six hours of chemistry labs. Most of the grades come from lab reports or pre lab quizzes. There are also practicals and finals that I study for in the same way as the lectures. The only other class is this one. At first I wasn't sure how this class would work or how best to work for this class. I've found that throughout the semester it is best to work on this class in the evening when I am getting tired so my mind is out of the science way of thinking and I can be more creative.

Reading Diary B: Canterbury Tales

"Little Hugh"
A young boy learned the lyrics to an old latin song and sang it throughout the city. This angered the Jews and they had him killed. The boy was seen as a martyr and revenge was sought for the people responsible.

"The Cock, the Hen, and the Fox"
A cock and a hen were the strongest of couples and had a great love for one another. When the cock had a bad dream he told his wife about it and she scolded him for not being a man because he was scared.

"The Cock, the Hen, and the Fox Cont."
The cock told his wife of two stories where the dreams came true and the first one the man listened to his dream and the second dream the man didn't and died.

The Cock, the Hen, and the Fox Cont.."
The fox met with the cock and cock became frightened. Before the cock could call for help, the fox had calmed him and told him how beautiful his singing was and how he would like to hear it. The cock fell for it and began to sing when the fox sneakily grabbed his throat and headed to the woods.

"The Cock, the Hen, and the Fox End"
All the workers and animals at the farm chased the fox into the woods. The cock tricked the fox into opening his mouth and letting him go. He flew into the tree and escaped the fox.

"The Priest as Philosopher"
A priest ran into a philosopher. The philosopher asked the priest to loan him money. When he the philosopher told the priest he would show him philosophy.

"The Priest as Philosopher Cont."
The philosopher tricked the priest into thinking the philosopher had turned some cheep silver into fine silver and the priest became very happy with the philosopher.

"The Priest as Philosopher End"
The philosopher tricked the priest into thinking he made another plate. The priest bought the recipe from the philosopher and ran off with the money before the priest could realize it was a lie.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Reading Diary A: Canterbury Tales

"The Unknown Bride":
A knight was to be put to death when the Queen begged for the release. The Queen told him in order to not be killed after 1 year he must go find the answer to what all women went. After walking the earth and not getting the same two answers he found an old woman. She told him she would give him the answer he desired.

"The Unknown Bride Cont."
Th bride told him the answer was to control their husbands. The old woman said to marry her for saving his life. He did so and was sad because she was ugly. When he chose to stay with her because she was wise and true she turned beautiful and young.

"The Story of the Summoner":
A summoner meats a bailiff and they become friends. The bailiff continues to tell the summoner that he is a fiend form hell.

"The Story of the Summoner Cont.":
The two went to the house of an old woman and told her to give them the money she owed. She told the fiend that he could take the pan and the summoner in pay for her debt.

"The Promise of Dorigen":
Arviragus left the land of Brittany to go to England. Dorigen was heart broken and could do nothing but think of her lost lover and wait for his return each day. A young squire fell in love with her and wrote many songs about her.

"The Promise of Dorigen Cont."
Dorigen became angry with Arelius and told him that he would leave her husband for him only when the rocks near the sea dissapeard. Arviragus came home and Arelius left to Italy to find a magician to make the rocks disappear.

"The Promise of Dorigen Cont.."
The magician made his promise and made each rock disappear. When Arelius went to Dorigen and showed her what had happened she ran to her house and cried. When she told Arviragus what had happened he told her to be true to her word and leave.

The Promise of Dorigen End"
When Dorigen went to Aurelius she had been crying. Aurelius told Dorigen to go back to her husband because he could not stand to see her unhappy. Aurelius went to the magician and the magician told him he didn't need to pay back the money because he was so true to himself.

"The Revelers"
Three friend were in a bar and swore to kill death as it were a person.

"The Revelers Cont."
The three friends find a pile of gold and divide a plan to carry it without being seen.

"The Revelers End"
One of the friends went to the nearby town and asked an apothecary for poison. He put it into wine and gave it to the other two. Those two killed the other guy and drank the wine that killed both go them.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Tejas Legends

"When the Storm God Rides":
The storm go d became angry when a foreign tribe came and killed the birds. He created great storms that picked up sediment and dropped it into the gulf and created islands for the birds to hide on.

"How the North Wind Lost His Hair":
The north wind and south wind got in a big fight and the south wind pulled out north wind's hair and threw it everywhere. This is now the moss that grows and reminds north wind not to stay too long.

"The Plant That Grows in Trees":
The mistletoe grew on the ground at one time. The thunderbird took pity on the mistletoe because all of the animals ate it and killed it. He placed it high in the trees so no one wold eat it.

"Why the Woodpecker Pecks":
A godd of the indians took the children from a tribe because they were being neglected. He put them into hollow trees to hide them from the sun and wolves. He told the tribe what he did then turned them into birds to find the children. That's how the woodpecker came to be.

"The Woodpecker's Stumpy Tail":
A flood came and the woodpecker was warned and did not listen to the warning. When the flood came he tried to get to the highest tree but could not fly at night. His tail hung in the water. A fish came by and bit a part of it off.

"The Tribe That Left Its Shoes":
A tribe of indians left a trail of moccasins to help them get back to their original homeland that had been destroyed. The moccasins turned into orchids.

"The Cloud That Was Lost":
A lot cloud laid on top of orchids and the orchids drank the cloud until they turned pink and lavender while some stayed white.

"The Swift Blue One":
A spaniards brought a horse to the indians and taught one of them the language of the horse. When this indian died they released the horse to the wild.

"Grandmother River's Trick":
River tricked the garfish into swimming over the banks during a flood and trapped them outside of the river to relieve the fish in the river.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Growth Mindset: Week 11

The growth mindset I worked on for this week is the reading challenge. I read an entertainment type story this week instead of a myth type story. I prefer reading the myth type stories because they tell more of a story behind the story. I didn't like the entertainment type story because it was more challenging to come up with a story for it. I also read a story out of the UNtextbook in a different location. I was sitting outside and read one of the stories about nature and it helped me to think of the story in a different aspect. Reading outside made me think of the story in a more entertainment way instead of like work as it does when I am in a studious environment. This could help me out in classes like this where I don't have to think of the material in such a stern way.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reading Diary B: Alice in Wonderland

"A Mad Tea-Party":
Alice comes up on a large table with The Hatter, Dormouse, and Hare sitting at it. They refused Alices offering to join the table but she sat anyway. The three had an argument about sentence inversions. The Hatter confused Alice with all of his questions.

Alice, the hatter, and the hare have an argument over time. The hatter tells a story about how the queen and himself got in a fight and time isn't on his side so he is stuck at six o'clock forever. 

Alice and the mouse had a heated conversation about him telling her a story. She left and went to a tree that had a door in it and ate more of the mushroom to make herself shrink.

Alice was wondering around and found three gardeners painting white roses red. The queen and her party came up to the four of them. The queen asked who Alice was and when Alice got smart with the queen the queen told the guards to cut her head off. The queen ordered the gardeners heads off then left.

When they got to the grounds Alice realized the grounds weren't normal croquet grounds. The balls were hedgehogs and the mallets were flamingos. The arches were the soldiers. The queen ran around angrily screaming off with anyones head who makes her mad.

When Alice saw the cheshire cat she went over to talk to him and realized the rest of his body wasn't there but he could still talk. When the king saw the cat he wen too ask who he was. When the cat refused to tel h, the King told the Queen and the Queen ordered his head off. When the time came to question him the cat disappeared.

Alice is in the court room and knocks over the jury box and spills the jurors on the floor and picks them up. When Alice says she knows nothing of the incident the king can't decide whether it is important or not.

The irrational rulings continued and finally Alice stood up to the queen and the queen ordered Alice's head off.

Reading Diary A: Alice in Wonderland

"Down the Rabbit Hole":
Alice sees a rabbit running along who stops to check his pocket watch. Alice thinks this is very strange so decides to follow him. She follows him down a large rabbit hole. Alice then finds herself falling at a slow rate and realizes there are shelves lining the walls and starts thinking random thoughts to herself.

"Down the Rabbit Hole Cont.":
When alice finally landed at the bottom of the hole she landed on a pile of sticks and leaves. She was in a hallway lined with doors which were all locked. She found a table with a key on it. She finally found a door that would fit the lock but it was far too small for her to fit through. She then found a bottle that ssid "drink me". She thought long and hard about whether to drink it and finally drank all of it.

"Down the Rabbit Hole End":
Alice shrunk so small that she could fit through the tiny door. She then realized she forgot the key on the table. She ate a cake thinking it would help her grow. The cake made her grow nine feet tall. She grew so large that she could hardly see out of the door with one eye. When she got out she saw a caterpillar sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah.

"Advise from a Caterpillar":
The caterpillar and Alice have a very rude beginning to meeting each other and do not get along very well. The caterpillar keeps asking who Alice is but Alice refuses to give a straight forward answer.

"Advise from a Caterpillar Cont.":
The caterpillar told Alice that her story was wrong and if she wanted to change sizes she would have to eat the side of the mushrooms that made her grow taller.

"Pig and Pepper":
Alice walks onto a house that has a frog man sitting outside. She walks up and asks how to enter the house. HE confuses her with vague answers. She walks into the house where it is filled with smoke. There was a cat, a baby, a cook, and a duchess in the house. The cat was grinning form ear to ear.

"Pig and Pepper Cont.":
Alive questioned the duchess about the cat. The cook threw pots and pans at the duchess and her child. The duchess threw her baby in the air and hit it for sneezing. The duchess threw the baby at Alice and ran off.