Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Storybook Favorites

My first choice for my storybook would be CreekStories. I choose this story because my grandfather's side of my family is Creek. The Creek people are very interesting to me because of their views on how a family is to be ran and how their people are governed. Also the religion of the Creek people is very interesting because they had various spirits that were worshiped while most still believed in a god that ruled over everything.

My second story of choice would be Live On University Legends. The reasoning for this choice is because I am an extremely superstitious person. I have never heard of these stories and am interested in learning more about them. Also The University of Oklahoma is the best university ever and always enjoy reading about it's history. The stories are likely to make me more paranoid. I would like to learn more in depth what actually happened in these stories while learning the variations in each story from year to year.

My third choice is Tales of Grimm. I like the Grimm Tales because they are the original versions of common fairy tales. The difference is that the Grimm Tales do not have quite the happy ending. These tales are interesting because they are based off of things that happened in life and show how dark human nature can be. Out of the stories that are under this section the frog prince is the only one I have read so I am interested in researching the other stories under this title.

I am interested in looking further into these three stories while furthering my knowledge in the various cultures. I hope to further other people's understanding in the way different cultures are viewed. These chosen stories in some way or another have effected my life which makes them personally important to me.

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