Monday, September 28, 2015

Reading Diary A: West African Folktales

West African Folktales:

"How we got the name "Spider Tales"": This story is about the challenges faced by Anasi in trying to get the men to tell stories of himself instead of Nyankupon who is the chief of gods. Nyankupon told him he would tell the men of his wishes if he could collect a jar full of bees, a boa, and a tiger. Anahi did and so became the Spider Tales.

"How wisdom because the property of the human race": Anansi grew angry with the humans and took their wisdom away and stored it in a pot. He took the pot far into the woods to hide it at the top of a tall tree. He was unable to hide the pot because it was hanging around his neck and kept him from climbing the tree. After watching, Anansi's son told him to carry it on his back. Angry, Anansi threw the pot down anti broke, releasing the wisdom back into the world.

"Anansi and Nothing": The story is about Anansi and Nothing. Anansi was poor while Nothing was very wealthy. They went to the town to find wives. While they were on their way they switched clothes so that Anansi would be able to get wives. Announce, dressed in elegant clothes, gathered many wives while Nothing only acquired one. When arriving back at their respective homes, Anansi's wives were upset because of his small hut. Anna's wives went to Nothing's palace. Anansi became angry and left killed Nothing.

"Thunder and Anansi": Anansi goes out to find food when he sees a palm tree across the water. He takes an old boat out to the tree to obtain the nuts from the tree. Missing the boat and falling in the water, Anansi dives into the water and meets Thunder. He gave him a magic pot that had plenty of food in it. Being selfish, Anansi hid the pot from his family. They later found it and destroyed it.

"Why the lizard moves his head up and down": Anansi sets out to obtain the names of the the king's three daughters so he can marry them. After finding the names he tells the lizard the sound them so the king may hear. The king then gave the lizard the daughters. Anansi becomes angry and frames the lizard of a crime. The king then takes the wives away from the lizard and gives them to Anansi.

"The squirrel and the spider": The spider stole the squirrels land to later have the profits from the land stolen from him by the crow.

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