Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Reading Diary B: Tibetan Folklore

"How the Rabbit Killed the Lion": The lion demanded that every animal Kotow to him. One day the rabbit didn't and the lion was angry at the rabbit. The lion asked the rabbit why he hadn't and he told him a witch delayed him. The lion went to the river to find the demon and saw his reflection. Thinking it was the demon, the lion jumped into the river and drowned.

"How the Raven Saved the Hunter": A hunter was very thirsty on a hunt one evening. When he made a cup of water a raven knocked it out of his hand. Thinking the raven did this on accident, he tried to again. The raven knocked the cup out once again. The hunter, angry, killed the raven. He thought to himself, there must be a reason for this. He traveled to the mouth of the river where a snake was poisoning the river.

"How the Scared Duck Got His Yellow Breast": A frog and a rabbit raced to the bottom of a mountain for a pot of gold. The frog had two other frogs help him to trick the rabbit into thinking he was moving faster down the hill. The frog won and recruited the duck to help him carry the gold. The duck thought the gold was so pretty that he smeared it on his chest.

"The Man and the Monkeys": A man went to a place where monkeys lived and thought it was a nice place to move his family. He fell asleep in a tree and asked a money for help. When the monkey became strong enough he helped him out of the water. The man went to sleep on the ground while the monkeys chattered above him. This annoyed him to when the monkeys went to sleep he shook the tree and made them all fall out to their death.

Tibetan Folk Group 

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