Monday, October 26, 2015

Reading Diary A: California and the Old Southwest

"Three Coyote Creation Story":
The creation of people by coyote and eagle. The creation of mean by coyote and fox. The destruction and resurrection of men by coyote.

"The Creation of the World":
How the Earth Doctor created the world by stretching a piece of dirt and having the help of other animals to create it.

"Spider's Creation":
The creation of earth by the spider and how he separated the humans into clans. Also how he made people in charge of different aspects of earth.

"The Great Fire":
The creation of the sun by a hawk and coyote. The coyote gave the hawk a ball of dried reeds and told the hawk to fly into the sky snd set it on fire.

"Creation of Man":
The animals got together to decide what man should look like. The coyote, tricking everyone and cheating, won the contest.

"Old Man Above and the Grizzlies":
The old man lost his daughter to the world before. She married a bear and made the new human race. When her father found out he cursed them to walk on all fours.

"Creation of Mankind and the Flood"
How Earth Doctor created the earth but then killed all the humans and animals because of over crowding. The Elder Brother then wanted to destroy humans again but the Earth Doctor warned them of a great flood.

"The Fable of the Animals":
Man decided which animals would be prey to each other and who had the most and least strength. Coyote tried to stay awake all night to meet Man first but fell asleep late and was the last one awake.

"The Theft of Fire":
The coyote devised a plan to steal the fire form two old hags and passed it to different animals until it got to the ground squirrel who burned himself and still has a black stripe to this day.

"Coyote, Tortilla, and Mesquite Beans":
Coyote tried to trick a woman into giving her some tortillas and ended up drowning.

The coyote like the one in each story

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