Monday, November 30, 2015

Reading Diary A for Week 14: Grimm Tales (Ashliman)

"Cat and Mouse in Partnership"
A cat and a mouse were friends and made a deal to save up fat for the winter. When the pot was full the cat mad excuses to leave and he would go eat the fat. When the mouse discovered the pot was empty he accused the cat and the cat ate him.

"The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids"
An old goat left her kids home one day to go to the market. When she left she had warned them about the wolf. The wolf tried many tricks to get into the house. Finally the wolf gets into the house and eats all of the children except one. The one left tells the mother what happened and they find the wolf and cut his stomach open, letting all the kids out. The mother puts rocks in his stomach which causes him to drown.

"The Seven Ravens"
Seven boys were sent off to get water for their new-born sister. They dropped the bucket into the well and was too scared to got back home without the water. The father became angry and wished the all into ravens. When the sister was older she overheard someone talk about how she had brothers who were ravens. She went out to find them. Eventually she did and they all returned home together.

"Little Red Cap"
Story of Little Red Riding Hood. The story is the same except the wolf eats them both and the hunter finds the wolf in the grandmothers bed and cuts them out.

"The Singing Bone"
Two brothers set out to kill a boar that the king had requested be killed. The smaller younger brother found it first. The older brother killed the younger brother on the way back and gave the boar to the king. Later the king found out what had happened and had the older brother sewn into a sack and drown alive.

"The Elves"
A shoemaker was very poor and would have leather for two shoes and make them into shoes and sell them and buy leather for four shoes and sell them for eights. He did this until he became rich. The shoes were being made much faster than he could make them so he and his wife stayed up one night and saw two elves make them over night. They made clothes of the elves which freed them and the left.

"Old Sultan"
An old dog became so old that the owner decided to kill him because he was of no use. The wife talked him into letting the dog live one more day. The dog made a plan with the wolf to save his life. When his life was saved the dog would not return a favor and the wolf found a boar to punish the old dog. The dog took a three legged cat to fight the two and scared them off.

A king ordered a girl to weave stew into gold for him. A man showed up a did it for her. In return the man asked for her first born. When she had her first born she begged the man to let her keep it. The man told her that if she found his name she could keep it. She sent a messenger to find his name and when she did he tore himself apart.

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