Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reading Diary A: Alice in Wonderland

"Down the Rabbit Hole":
Alice sees a rabbit running along who stops to check his pocket watch. Alice thinks this is very strange so decides to follow him. She follows him down a large rabbit hole. Alice then finds herself falling at a slow rate and realizes there are shelves lining the walls and starts thinking random thoughts to herself.

"Down the Rabbit Hole Cont.":
When alice finally landed at the bottom of the hole she landed on a pile of sticks and leaves. She was in a hallway lined with doors which were all locked. She found a table with a key on it. She finally found a door that would fit the lock but it was far too small for her to fit through. She then found a bottle that ssid "drink me". She thought long and hard about whether to drink it and finally drank all of it.

"Down the Rabbit Hole End":
Alice shrunk so small that she could fit through the tiny door. She then realized she forgot the key on the table. She ate a cake thinking it would help her grow. The cake made her grow nine feet tall. She grew so large that she could hardly see out of the door with one eye. When she got out she saw a caterpillar sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah.

"Advise from a Caterpillar":
The caterpillar and Alice have a very rude beginning to meeting each other and do not get along very well. The caterpillar keeps asking who Alice is but Alice refuses to give a straight forward answer.

"Advise from a Caterpillar Cont.":
The caterpillar told Alice that her story was wrong and if she wanted to change sizes she would have to eat the side of the mushrooms that made her grow taller.

"Pig and Pepper":
Alice walks onto a house that has a frog man sitting outside. She walks up and asks how to enter the house. HE confuses her with vague answers. She walks into the house where it is filled with smoke. There was a cat, a baby, a cook, and a duchess in the house. The cat was grinning form ear to ear.

"Pig and Pepper Cont.":
Alive questioned the duchess about the cat. The cook threw pots and pans at the duchess and her child. The duchess threw her baby in the air and hit it for sneezing. The duchess threw the baby at Alice and ran off.

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