Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reading Diary A: Grimm (LibriVox)

"The Frog Prince"
The classic story that the modern tale is based off except the princess didn't kiss the frog but let him stay with her for three nights to break the spell.

The prince heard Rapunzel in the tower singing and called for her hair to fall like her mother did. When her mother found out she cut off her hair and sent her to a desert. When the prince called for the hair he climbed up and jumped down to escape the mother and poked his eyes out. He blindly wandered ad eventually found Rapunzel.

"The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean"
A straw, coal and a bean became friends and started off on a journey. When they got to a brook the straw laid across the brook so the other two could cross. The coal burned the straw and they both fell into the water and died. The bean laughed so hard it burst.

"The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage"
The bird, mouse and sausage lived together and had roles to play in their daily duties. The bird thought he was being overworked so they all switched jobs. The sausage ended up getting eaten, the mouse was boiled to death and the bird drowned.

"The Traveling Musicians"
A donkey, dog, cat, and rooster joined together to got o the city to sing. They came onto a house of robbers and scared them so bad they left. When a robber came back the cat scratched him, the dog bit him, the donkey kicked him and the rooster crowed. The man told the rest of the men of the horrors and left them for good.

"Clever Elsie"
Elsie marries Hans and they move away. When Elsie doesn't do as Hans says he puts a net with bells on her and everyone becomes too frightened by her and won't let her into their homes.

"Briar Rose"
The sleeping beauty story. The King and Queen's daughter fell asleep along with everyone in the palace for 100 years while many princes tried to get into the palace. It was guarded by thick thorn bushes that would trap them and kill them. On the 100th day a princess got into the palace and kissed "sleeping beauty" and they wed immediately.

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